Latihan Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 MTs/SMP Kurikulum Darurat 2020/2021


Haloo Assalamualaikum... hari ini konten blognya lain dari biasanya, untuk membantu anak-anak di rumah belajar sebelum PAS minggu depan ada beberapa soal untuk di eksekusi nih, semoga membantu ya... . Selamat berlatih.

1.      Complete the dialogue below!  

Aidil : I will take a part in  the drawing competition next month.

Bayu : …………………….

Aidil : I hope so too


a.    I hope you will have a nice competition                                             c. I hope you will be the winner

b.    Wish me luck                                                                                      d. I’m proud of you


2.      Salwa   :  “Nurul, wish me luck. I will take part in the story telling competition.”

Nayla   :  “____________________. I hope you will win the competition.”


a.    Thank you very much                                                                         c.  I’m sorry

b.    Sure, Good luck.                                                                                 d.  I hope so


3.      Nurul    : Listen! I got the first position in this year’s English speech contest for junior high school

Sabrina : …………

Nurul    : Thank you

a.    Well done                                                                                            c. Good luck

b.    Congratulations                                                                                   d. What a clever student you are


4.    Complete the dialog below

Intan : Teenagers under seventeen should not ride a motorcycle

  Tiara  : ……………..

a.    I don’t think so                     b. congratulations            c. I agree with you                      d. That’s a good idea


5.    Luca  went to the hospital yesterday…. get medical treatment.

a.    To                                b. So that                                 c. For                           d. so    


6.    Ghifar has prepared for the presentation…. he makes the best presentation.    

a.    To                          b. So that                                 c. For                           d. so    


Text for no 7 to 11












7.      What is the purpose of the text?
a. To show the ingredients of a product.
b. To explain the superiority of a product.
c. To describe the nutrition fact of product.
d. To give  information about a product

8.      Which of the following sickness can be relieved by this medicine?      

a.       Itchy             b. Fever                       c. Cough                      d. Headache

9.      What is the form of the medicine?

a.    Capsule                 b. Powder               c. Liquid                 d. Tablet

10.  What should people do before using the product?

            a.  Read the label carefully                                                       c. Check the use of the product

            b. See a doctor to consult                                                         d. Use antibiotics for all ear pains

11.  Who must be consulted to the doctor before taking this medicine

a.    Adult                                                                                      c. Children 4 years to under 6 years

b.    Children under 6 years                                                           d. Children 6 years to under 12 years















Text for no  12 to 15



















12.  The product is for ….. serving(s)?

a.  One                        b. Two                           c. Three                      d.Four

13.     The total fat of the product is ….

a.  Free                                     b. Zero             c.         Low                 d. Medium


14.     How much cholesterol does the product contain?

a.  A lot of                     b. A little                     c. None                                    d. More

15.  What is the brand name of the product?

a.       Oats’n honey                                                            c. Nature Valley

b.      Chocolate                                                                  d. Crunchy Granola Bars

Text for no 16 to 19


16.    What is the label about?

a. Food

b. Vitamin

c. Beverage

d. Supplement


17.    What is the main ingredient of the product?

a. Jelly.

b. Sugar.

c. Sodium.

d. Grape juice

18.    The product is distributed by . . .

a. Fruit Juice Premium

b. Concord Grape Juice

c. Fruit Juice Best Quality

d. The Carriage House Companies Inc


19.    How much sugar does the product contain?

a.       8                     b. 10                            c. 13                d. 20

Text for no 20 to 25

Rujak Buah


1 cucumber  :Peeled      

1 table spoons peanuts ; fry

1 papaya       : cut into ½ inch cubes         

1 hot chili peppers:seeded, sliced

1 pineaplle   : cut into ½ inch cubes, fresh or canned pineaple     

¼ cup brown sugar

1apple tart  : cut into ½ inch cubes                                          

1 manggo: peeled

1 tablespoon tamarind : dissolved in ½ cup water, strained


1.      Mix all the fruit together                      5. Pour some tamarind liquid

2.      Grind chilies and salt                           6. Mix the sauce and fruit together

3.       Add brown sugars                               7.  Served chilled

4.      Add dry roasted peanut and grind completely  

20.    What kind of thext is it?

a.       Descriptive                             b. Label                       c.Recount                    d. Procedure

21.    What is the purpose of the text?

a.       Rujak buah                                                      c. The ingredients to make rujak buah

b.      Procedure text                                                 d. How to make rujak buah 


22.  What is the third step in making rujak buah?

a.       Mix all the fruit together                                          c. Add brown sugars                     

b.      Pour some tamarind liquid                                       d. Served chilled

23.  How much peanuts do we need in making rujak buah?

a.       ½ table spoon                                    c. 2 table spoons

b.      1 table spoon                                     d. 3 tablespoons

24.  What should you do before adding brown sugar?

a.       Mix all the fruit together                                          c. Grind chilies and salt          

b.      Pour some tamarind liquid                                       d. Mix the sauce and fruit together


25.    The word Ingredients has close meaning to ……..

a.    The steps                     b. The goals                             c. The materials                       d. The methods






Text for no 26 to 30



2 cloves of Garlic

2 onions cut into small pieces

1 table spoon of vegetable oil

a plate of rice

some salt


1. First, pound garlic and 2 pinches of salt.

2. Second, heat vegetable oil on a frying pan.

3. Third, put the pounded garlic and salt, and onions into the hot vegetable oil. Fry them a while.

4. Fourth, put one plate of rice. Fry and mix them around 3 minutes.

5. Fifth, add two pinches of salt. Continue frying until the rice is hot enough.

6. Finally, put the fried rice on a plate. Serve  it on a plate

26.  How many ingredients do we need in making fried rice?

a.       5                b. 6                  c. 7                              d. 8

27.  What is the first step in making fried rice?

a.       Heat vegetable oil on a frying pan

b.      Put the fried rice on a plate. Serve  it on a plate

c.       pound garlic and 2 pinches of salt

d.      put one plate of rice. Fry and mix them around 3 minutes.

28.  What should you do with the onion?

a.       Grind                     .b. Cut                         c. Fry                           d. Roast          

29.  What should you do after putting one plate of rice?     

a.       Continue frying until the rice is hot enough         c. Heat vegetable oil on a frying pan

b.      Fry and mix them around 3 minute.                      d. Pound garlic and 2 pinches of salt

30.  Serve  it on a plate” the word it refers to ….

a.       Plate                      b. Garlic and onion                 c. Fried rice                 d. a plate of rice

31.  Arrange the jumbled sentences below into a good procedure text.

1. Make sure the blender clean and working

2. Put the fruits inside

3. Open the lid up and pour it out

4. Clean the blender

5. Blend

6. Close the lid and hold the cover tightly

a. 1-2-6-5-3-4                                                                  c. 1-2-3-4-5-6

b. 2-1-5-6-3-4                                                                  d. 3-2-1-5-6-5

Text for no 32 to 34

hello guys, I want to tell you How to make sunrise salad. we need some strawberries, some grapes, a banana, a cup of yoghurt and some mint leaves. and the equipment we only need a knife, a large bowl and a small bowl. first, (32) .................... the fruit and let it dry  on paper towels. Then, Cut the strawberries and grapes in a half. Next, Cut the banana into chunks or big pieces. Then, (33) .......................... all the fruit in a bowl. After that, (34) ........................some yoghurt on the top of the fruit salad. finally,put .some mint leaves on top of it. Your sunrise salad is ready to serve.

32.  a. cut                               b. put                          c. mix                          d. wash

33.  a. cut                               b. mix                          c. put                           d. pour

34.  a. pour                             b. mix                          c. put                           d. Dry


35.  Complete the sentence below!

I ….  the sand castle  now

a.       Am build                   b. Is building               c. are building             d. am building

36.  Arrange the words below into a good sentence

Santi – are - floor- and- now – sweeping  – I - the

   1            2        3      4      5           6            7    8

a.       1-2-3-4-5-6-7               b. 1-2-6-3-8-4-5-1-7                  c. 1-4-7-2-8-6-3-5                 d. 1-4-7-2-6-8-3-5

37.  Complete the sentence below!

We were ……. football when my father …...

a.       Play,come                 b. Playing ,came                      c. Played, came                       d. Play, coming

38.  She …  cooking the food two hours ago.

a.       Is                               b. were                              c. was                                d. has


39.  I have …….  the song for 15 minutes. It is very good

a.       Listen                       b. Listening                 c. Listens                     d. Listened

40.  We have … the new novel together since yesterday.

a.       Read                           b. Readed                   c. Reading                   d. Reads